Monday, October 3, 2011

"Where do I start?"

If you only had one choice to change anything in your life to improve your health, what would you choose? Most people would say "I would exercise more." Unfortunately, we all know that this little phrase has been uttered an infinite number of times, and produced little, if any, lasting improvement.


I believe it is because working out on a consistent basis and at a strenuous enough level is DIFFICULT. The fact of the matter is that people are very similar to water and electricity; we like to choose the path of least resistance. Why do we sell ourselves short? Why do we give up so easily? Where do all of the excuses come from? These are some very powerful and enlightening questions we must ask ourselves.

Is it because we don't have enough time? EXCUSE. Is it because we don't value our own health? DENIAL. Or do we think that we couldn't possibly get the same results as any of the success stories we watch? SELF LIMITING BELIEF.

I think it all comes down to making a decision, committing to that decision, and taking action. This is so simple and so easy, but we fail to do it.


The slippery slope of "I am already "X" amount of pounds over weight, so why does it really matter anymore what I do?" has to stop! The barrage of excuses as to why you can't do something needs to end. The little voice in your head needs to change his or her tone and message. It is time to focus on what you can do, and what you need to change. The overall level of health in this country is atrocious because of people's self destructive behaviors.  We are doing it to ourselves! 

If a drastic change is too difficult of a task for you, then start small and change one thing. The easiest starting point is nutrition. The stuff we put into our body has a profound impact on how we look, how we function, and how we feel. Change just one meal a day and you will have made a significant improvement to your overall health.

You may now be asking yourself, "OK man on the soap box, how do you suggest I go about changing one meal a day?" I am glad you asked. Lets start with breakfast. It is the most important meal of the day, so says countless studies, magazines, books, doctors, websites, etc. Eating or not eating breakfast is the greatest factor in determining whether a person is healthy or overweight and it is the easiest one to change because there isn't as much social influence associated with it.

Let me explain that last statement. Rarely do we eat lunch and dinner by ourselves. Lunch is usually shared with coworkers or classmates and dinner is the most social of the three, taking place around other people whether it be with the family or out with friends. Breakfast on the other hand is something we do before we enter the social arena. It is the most socially isolated and individual meal of the day which makes it the least influenced and easiest to change.

So what should I switch my coffee and bagel or orange juice and doughnut or soda and breakfast burrito with, you ask? Good question. Let me introduce you to Shakeology. To your right is a link to a page titled "Shakeology: A Nutrition Evolution." Head on over there with an open mind and you may find that you have located the starting point in your journey to better health.

If anything, you will get a brief education on nutrition that will help you make better choices in your everyday life.

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