Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hard work? Of course, but why?

I had a conversation with a friend of mine over the weekend about a subject I has been pondering for some time.  I had been wondering what is it about the image of a perfectly sculpted body that invokes such envy and admiration within us.  To each their own, I understand, and by that I mean that everyone has a personal image of what a "perfect" body should look like.  Some prefer a long, broad swimmers body, while others prefer a more muscular physique like a professional body builder.

My point to my friend was that it is not the body that we admire, but the work we either consciously or unconsciously understand that went into creating the body.  If anyone is naive enough to think that people with amazing physiques are born that way or fall out of bed looking like that are doing themselves a grave disservice.  Anything in life worth attaining requires lots of work.

What I have come to realize is that we value the time, energy, sacrifice, commitment, and perseverance required to create such a masterpiece.  The end result is only an affirmation of the energy spent creating it.

"Son, every man or woman puts their pants on one leg at a time, just like you do".

The first time I heard my father tell me this, it really struck home and made me realize that these amazing people (we were talking about professional golfers) are really no different from me.  They are all human and have the same hours in a day that I have, but they have found a way to utilize those hours to create something amazing. 

So what is the secret?  I am fortunate enough to represent a company whose motto of three little words contains the key that unlocks a person's entire universe.

"Decide, Commit, Succeed"

It is our mind that creates our world, and not the world influencing our mind.  Every person whom we look upon in admiration whether it be for financial, spiritual, or physiological reasons, has at one time or another followed these three simple words. 

Whether your goal is to lose 5 pounds or complete your first triathlon, you HAVE to begin with a decision.  You have to decide you want to accomplish this goal.  It must become a part of your being.  Once you have done this, you will magically begin to find opportunities that can assist you in achieving this dream.  Choose wisely among the many options and then FULLY commit to your course.  The only thing left to do is succeed.  How much time and energy will be required?  You will know when you have accomplished your task. 


Notice I did not say easy.  Simple and easy are about as similar as candles and jelly beans.  It was and still is very difficult for me to get out of bed at 520am, 6 days a week and complete my P90X workout.  Every single day, I lay in bed for a minute or 2 and run through the list of excuses the little voice in my head throws at me; the one that never seems to go away.  But do I let this stop me? 


I made a decision to get into the best shape of my life and I have chosen to do it with P90X and Shakeology.  More importantly, I am COMMITTED to accomplishing my goal.  Simple? Yes. Easy? No.

Join me today.  Struggle and cry and sweat and bleed and curse and yell right along with me because it is not the body we admire, but the hard work and commitment that created it.

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